Orange Belt
“The sun is beginning to rise. As with the morning’s dawn, only the beauty of the sunrise is seen rather than the immense power.” The beginner student sees the beauty of the art of Taekwondo but has not yet experienced the power in the technique.
The following are the required basic fundamentals necessary to test and pass the next belt exam.
Hammer Block
High Knife Hand
Low Knife Hand
Inside Chop
Outside Chop
Hammer Fist
Jump Kicks
Spin Kicks
One Step Sparring
6 - 10
6. Inside Block (right hand) - Horse Stance, Backfist - Back Stance (right hand)
7. Inside Block (right hand) - Horse Stance, Side Chop - Back Stance (right hand)
8. Inside Block (left Hand) - Horse Stance, Triple Punch (right hand first) - Front Stance
9. Inside Block (right hand) - Horse Stance, Elbow Strike (right arm) - Horse Stance
10. Inside Block (right hand) - Horse Stance, Elbow Strike (right arm) - Horse Stance, Spin Elbow Strike (left arm) - cross stance
Self Defense
3 & 4
- Opposite Arm Grab -
3. Low Block evade, Double Punch to chest.
4. Twist and grab, break arm, elbow to face.
Taegeuk E Jang
Taegeuk E Jang or Ee Jang represents lake, which also symbolizes the emotion of Joy. Traditionally, the form further signifies the inner firmness and the outer softness. Techniques should start smooth and finish hard. Attention should be made to dynamic speed during this poomsae.
![[2021 Online World Youth Taekwondo Camp] Training Program Session(Poomsae Taegeuk 1Jnag&2Jang)](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UhKI3VEzuL0/maxresdefault.jpg)

Taegeuk E Jang
Key Movements
Naryeo Makgi = Low Block
Chamber from directly in front of the shoulder
Twist the hand when passing over the opposite arms elbow.
Momtong Anmakgi = Inside Block
Chamber outside of the body peripheral with the knuckles facing you and the palm facing away.
Twist the hand as it passes in front of you
Stop the hand as it comes to the centreline of your body.
Make sure the hand is just below the level of your chin.
Ollyeo Makgi = High Block
Chamber at the elbow of the opposite hand
Rotate the elbow/fist as it passes across your face
The centre of the forearm should centred on your forehead about 1 fist away.
Jireugi = Punch
Aim for the solar plexus
Keep a straight line from the centre of the two big knuckles to the shoulder.
Rotate the hand as your pinky finger passes the opposite arm’s elbow.
Board Breaking
Palm Strike
Keibon 2
From Horse Stance
Inside Block (Left)
Inside Block (Right)
Inside Chop (Left)
Inside Chop (Right)
Low Single Knife Hand Block (Left)
Low Single Knife Hand Block (Right)
Double Middle Punch (To Center - Left Hand then Right Hand)
Be able to put together good combinations using basic movements.
1 - two minute round
30 Push Ups
30 Sit Ups
75 Jumping Jacks
40 Middle Punches
20 Alternating Round Kicks
One 3-Minute Run
Be Able to Count to 10 in Korean:
1 - Hana
2 - Dul (or tul)
3 - Set
4 - Net
5 - Tasult
6 - Yasult
7 - Ilgop
8 - Yuldul
9 - Ahop
10 - Yul
Bible Verse
Pick One to Memorize:
Genesis 1:10
Isaiah 12:3
Hebrews 12:2