First Degree Black Belt
A Black Belt represents an achievement through years of dedication and commitment. It symbolizes hard work, self-discipline, and perseverance. Becoming a Black Belt instills a responsibility to one's self and others. This belt is black because it signifies the concentration of knowledge and control.
The following are the required basic fundamentals necessary to test and pass the next belt exam.
Cheat 540º Hook Kick
Swing 540º Round Kick
Pop 360º Katana Kick
Pop 360º Shuriken Kick
Pop 180º Jackknife Kick
Pop 180º Feilong Kick
One Step Sparring
20 Advanced One Steps
10 Unorthodox One Steps
Self Defense
All 20
17. Step Back to Evade, grab opponent’s closest wrist with both hands, step back with other leg and pull opponent towards you.
18. Check Opponents arms to the side and step in same direction, ridge hand to opponents’ neck.
-Wild Swing/Hook punch-
19. Duck Below Punch, Ridge Hand to Ribs, Grab Collar and Pull, Push Back of Knee.
20. Block Punch, Elbow to Head, Grab Back of Head and Pull Down, Knee Strike to Face.
All Taegeuk Poomsae
Koryo - This is the first black belt form learned by WTF Taekwondo students. According to the World Taekwondo Federation, Koryo poomsae symbolizes “seonbae” which means a learned man. Koryo (Goryeo or Goreyeo) is also the name of an important ancient Korean dynasty. Many “weaponless” Korean martial arts were developed during the Koryo dynasty.
Himchari - The Korean word himchari means "strength"; the Kukkiwon interprets this to symbolize "A Powerful Challenge" -- i.e., strength achieved through the accomplishment of a difficult challenge. This is an incredibly difficult form to master.
Key Movements
Kaljebi – Tiger’s Mouth
This technique hits a vital point on the opponent’s neck, without bending the wrist.
Ageumson Mureupkkeokgi – Arc Hand
One hand moves level from the solar plexus and proceeds downward to the center line. The other hand is placed a fist apart from the hand that did Mureupkkeokgi under the elbow.
Both hands are cupped.
Anpalmokmomtong Hecheomakgi – Double Outside Block
Cross your arms at your chest level and use your inner forearms to defend by spreading them out.
The distance between the two arms should remain a shoulder’s length.
Twist the torso to gain power.
Pyojeokjireugi – Target Cross Punch
Place the target and the fist at the solar plexus level.
Put the back of your hand upward on the striking arm and push your fist straight ahead.
Strike the palm of the opposite hand, not the fingers.
Pyeonsonkkeut Araejeocheojjireugi – Groin Spear Strike
The back of the striking hand faces upward, and the hand below is pulled inward. Then strike at the level of the lower abdomen.
Batangson Nulleomakgi – Check Downwards
Raise your palm to where it faces yourself and press at the solar plexus level to defend.
Use the batangson part of the hand (the palm face).
Palgup Geodeureopchigi – Supported Elbow Strike
Place your fist at the centre of the palm at the level of your chest on the opposite side, push and strike to the side.
Mejumeok Araepyojeokchigi –
Place your left hand to face outside and raise above your head as both hands overlap.
When two hands are at the level of your shoulders, do marajwigi with your left fist and do mejumeok araepyojeokchigi.
This move should take 8 seconds.
Change the left hand into a fist towards the end and strike the palm of the right hand.
Geodeupyeochagi – Double Side Kick
You should kick knee level with the first foot and above the face with the second foot.
Jageundoljjeogwi – Pull with Step Side Kick
Do pyojeokjireugi pulling one hand and do yeopchagi. At the same time, pull the hand to the opposite side of your flank.
Keibon 9
Dragon Set
Starting from Covered Fist Joonbee Stance
Crane Stance, Reinforced Block
Toro, Outside Block, twist, Outside Block
Sweep and Toro, Inside Block, Twist Outside Block
Shift into Horse Stance, Chamber to Right, Slow Suto Block
Punch, Outside Block, Punch, Outside Block
Step Back, Check, Target Elbow Strike, Target Crescent Kick, Target Tornado Kick,
Land in Horse Stance, Target Elbow Strike, Down Punch (x2),
Double Vertical Punches
Chamber to Right Side
Step Punch
Tiger’s Leap with Kihup at apex of jump.